Interviewee: David Mills, aged
Interviewer : Liz Bloom
Date : October 13th 2009
stopped at the station and we had a teacher and a billeting
officer. We walked down as far as
road up from the station. They had
no idea where we were going so they knocked on the doors as they went down the
road to see if people would take (me).
I got in with a family called Ford; they already had one evacuee which I
knew; he was a Jewish boy.
I stayed there for about seven or eight weeks; the only trouble was they
never gave you enough food. So one
afternoon my father came from
While I was there, me and my friend, Hennesey, decided we would walk home (to
got on a bus and the conductor realised we hadn’t much money so he stopped the
bus and called a policeman, who took us to the police station in Barnet.
They gave us some food, told us to lay down on a mattress while they
contacted our parents. The police
took us home in a Black Maria van – we lived quite near each other.
My father was furious. He
brought me back and I was sent to a house in
I used to call them auntie and uncle and they were very, very good and I stayed
there for thirteen years until I got married.
And then when I got married, we couldn’t find a house at the time so I
stayed with my wife’s parents for a year ‘til we looked around and found a
During that time, before I moved (when the war was on) I was at
Do you remember the actual year when they built the air raid shelter under the
I think it was there when I first moved in…but it was quite big…
What year was that when you moved in exactly?
I was eight (1939/40). Yes, I was
eight years old then. As I say, they were very nice to me and they looked after
me very well. I was very delicate
in those days; every time I got a cold, I got bronchitis.
When I left school, I went into the grocery trade.
I used to do a little job taking groceries out to different people and
then this chap asked me if I’d like to work there so I worked there for a little
while and then there was a big shop on the corner of
That’s where the Chinese Restaurant is?
That’s where the Chinese restaurant is, that’s right.
That didn’t work out and the gentleman, as I say, who I lived with was a
tailor, so he took me into the tailoring at Nicholson’s.
They’d never had young boys in there before and they put me on the
machines and I was the first boy to go in there as a machinist.
What year would that have been?
I must have been about sixteen then.
As I say, I was the first lad on, they’d ever had…they’d always had girls
but they’d never had boys, and, in fact, from that time they started taking boys
in. I stayed there, I suppose, for,
I suppose eight years. I then left
and went and joined the co-op, in
And then, my father-in-law and my brother-in-law at that time were working at
the Hatfield Polytechnic. My
brother-in-law was a lecturer and my father-in-law was a technician.
I’d got in my mind to go to the post office to be a postman; anyway, they
got me in there (the Polytechnic).
I did about a year, I think it was, doing maintenance, which really was tidying
things up and then a job came up in the Media Services.
I did close circuit television, showing films at Hatfield and
Bayfordbury, which is another part of their establishment.
I ended up in the Industrial Engineering Dept. and I stayed there ‘til I
retired. I retired about a year earlier because they were a bit like the
hospitals; they had a manager come in who really didn’t know what he was doing.
He wasn’t very good to me and he started getting me to do other jobs,
painting and things, and I wasn’t very happy about that.
So I was sixty-four then and I decided to go to the accounts people and I
said to them, “If I retire a year early, would it make any difference?” and they
said, “Oh yes, we can give you a little bit more pension and a bigger lump sum.”
So that’s what I did and I’ve been retired now for fourteen years.
If you cast your mind back to when you were a child here can you remember very
much about the primary school? Were
you at this primary school here?
No I wasn’t, actually. We took over
Oh yes, you did tell me.
That’s right.
Was that because you were an evacuee?
Yes, yes. We had several different
classes in different rooms.
And did the teachers come from
The teachers came from
Now why was it Beaumont and not Verulam?
Because Verulam at that time was a Grammar School.
What did that mean?
Well, you had to do an examination to get into there.
Oh right, a bit like the eleven plus.
That’s right, yes.
OK, so you went to
…and yes, that was it. I stayed
there until I went to work.
Was it fifteen, was it?
Yes, I actually stayed on a year extra.
And were they happy years?
Yes, I suppose they were, really, yes, yes.
So you used to play a lot on the rec….
Over here, yes, oh lots of times.
What did you get up to on the rec?
Of football and….when they built the shelter here, they had an entrance in
…just by the, where the café is..
Yes, that’s right…a bit further down and we used to play around there.
And what did you…sort of rough and tumble?
Oh, all sorts of things. When they
were building, they left a load of bricks and we sort of stacked those up and
made sort of hideouts and things like that you know.
Did they have any play equipment at all?
could play football. They put some
goalposts up…..
..but no slides?
Oh yes, there were swings and a slide and a roundabout.
Did you ever go inside the air-raid shelter?
And what did you do down there?
Well, we used to lark about really.
Frighten each other?
Yes, I used to take girls down there.
There was a long passage that went all the way down and they had little
tiny entrances that (people could) go up and down to get out.
I used to take girls along this long passage in the dark!
So, little tiny entrances? And
where would they come out?
There were about six. There was one
on this side (east), two the other end and three in the middle, I think there
was. They were, you know, escape
Yes. And was the air-raid shelter
built for the community, for domestic use?
Of course, you had Ballito there then and so people used to come from there down
to these shelters when there was an air-raid.
Did you ever see any evidence of there being a tunnel under the road from
No, I don’t…I never saw that.
I’ve heard that. I’ve only heard it
from one person and it just seems, I suppose…, I don’t know, a bit strange to
but it’s quite possible, isn’t it?
Yes, because there are tunnels from the abbey, aren’t there?
Are there?
Yes. (This was when it was a
To somewhere, I can’t remember now.
Somebody told me that there are tunnels under there that they could go through,
but where they went to, I’ve no idea.
And then you said that there were concrete shelters along here (the rec. side of
Yes, they were brick, about five brick shelters with a big concrete top along
the road here.
So, did you use them much?
We used those as well….we used to play around, actually in there.
Did you get many air-raids in
Not really, no. I’m actually living
in…the house I’m living in now was bombed during the war.
An aeroplane came over to try and find DH’s (deHavilland), the air field.
He couldn’t find it so on his way back he just dropped bombs.
He dropped one in
Yes, so they re-built that house.
Did you move into it when it was brand new?
No, there was an elderly lady there and she wanted to move, and at the time we
were looking for a house, and so we moved in there in 1955.
They built two new ones, you see.
Yes, with all mod cons and everything.
So were they better than the other houses?
Yes, that’s right, because the others were terraced whereas these were
semi-detached now.
Do you recall any other bombs being dropped in Fleetville?
No, I don’t think there were any more, just those two.
Thank you. I’m going to leave it at